
Re-shoes Sorting and recovery worn-out shoes and production scraps to make secondary raw materials for manufacture new REcycled SHOES LIFE Re-Shoes project is underway: new life to worn footwearRE-SHOES wants to provide an alternative, circular and sustainable...

Progress Project

PROGRESS PROJECT Promoting Green Strategies in Sport The ProjectPROGRESS project focuses on the promotion of parent-child outdoor physical activity in South-East Europe through the use of new technologies and gamified activities. VISIT THE PROJECT WEBSITE! Project...

Fams Project

FAMS PROJECT Fostering FemAle Management leaders in SportS The ProjectThis project aims at balancing the under-representation of women and mothers in sport. Therefore, FAMS’s pursuing the promotion of employability through sport, the encouragement of social...


SPEX PROJECT SportKompas Exergame: activating children to engage in sports The ProjectThe goal of this project is to introduce an innovative and science-based method in European countries to activate more children (age 8-10 years) to sports. Project summary The goal...