
The Project

The European Week of Winter Sport (EWWS) project is an ambitious endeavor aimed at celebrating and promoting winter sports across Europe while championing sustainability. The project seeks to ignite enthusiasm for winter activities while fostering a deep commitment to eco-friendly practices. Through engaging digital tools and participatory methodologies, the project empowers sports clubs and enthusiasts to actively participate in shaping its activities and promoting sustainability. From organising thrilling events to disseminating best practices, the project embodies a shared vision of a vibrant and sustainable future for winter sports enthusiasts across the continent.

project summary

The European Week of Winter Sport (EWWS) project is a comprehensive initiative dedicated to celebrating the thrill of winter sports while advancing sustainability practices across Europe. By uniting diverse stakeholders, including sports organizations, universities, and local authorities, the project creates a dynamic platform to showcase the excitement and benefits of engaging in winter activities. Through collaborative efforts, the project aims to inspire participation in skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports, fostering a sense of camaraderie and adventure among athletes and enthusiasts alike.

At the heart of the project lies a commitment to eco-friendly practices, ensuring that the joy of winter sports is enjoyed responsibly and sustainably. Through innovative digital tools and inclusive methodologies, the project empowers sports clubs and individuals to actively contribute to its mission of promoting sustainability within their communities. From organizing exhilarating events to disseminating best practices in waste management and energy conservation, the project strives to create a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the exhilaration of winter sports in harmony with nature.

Project Objectives

1. Needs for sustainable events

Identify needs, challenges and resources for organising sustainable winter sport events

2. European Week of Winter Sport

Support sport associations and municipalities in the organisation and promotion of winter sport events for the European Week of Winter Sport (#BEWinterActive week)

3. Eco-awareness

Raise awareness about climate change and sustainability through the European Week of Winter sport and sport in general.

Erasmus+ Sport, 2021-2027
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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SPOKI, Empowering kids trough SportKompas method

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