42 new projects to help more than 70 EPSI members obtain funds

In 2024, EPSI and its network of members proudly reached a significant milestone in its commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration in the realm of sports. 42 project proposals have indeed been submitted in March to the Erasmus+ Call on Sport, marking a notable increase from the previous year. With a focus on addressing diverse aspects of sports, EPSI assisted over 70 members in crafting and submitting their project proposals.

Rto Kick Off meeting

Diverse topics reflecting the commitment to sports

The breadth of project proposals submitted by EPSI underscores the organization’s multifaceted approach to promoting sports-related sectors. Spanning a wide array of themes, these proposals reflect EPSI’s commitment to addressing various aspects of sport and its impact on individuals and communities. From promoting healthy lifestyles to fostering inclusivity and sustainability, the topics encompassed in the proposals showcase the depth of EPSI’s engagement with contemporary sporting issues. 

Among the 42 project proposals submitted, there are initiatives aimed at promoting healthy habits and well-being among young, workers and grassroth athletes. Recognizing the importance of creating inclusive sporting environments, EPSI members have put forth proposals addressing issues of diversity, accessibility, and representation within sports – disability, gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights. Furthermore, several proposals centre around innovative approaches to coaching, training, and skill development, reflecting the need to advance coaching methodologies and enhance athlete performance.

The importance of social impact and community engagement

Once again, EPSI and its community are committed to leveraging sports as a vehicle for social change and community development, thanks to the expertise of all members who actively participated in the development and submission of project proposals, trying to drive positive change through sports innovation.

    As EPSI celebrates this record-breaking achievement, it reaffirms its steadfast dedication to advancing sports innovation, fostering collaboration, and creating a brighter future for the global sports community. Erasmus+ results will be revealed at the end of the summer.

    Want to pitch your project idea? Submit a Concept Note: https://www.member.epsi.eu/projects (only for EPSI Members)