New Erasmus+ projects onboard, EPSI ready to work with partners

The European Commission published the results of the Erasmus+ funding call for sport in the last days of August. Competition was higher than ever, but EPSI and its network of members succeeded in getting four new projects approved.  We-Bike – coordinated by ANCI...

EPSI and ACES Europe partner for award-winning cities in sport

A new strategic partnership has been established in July to forge new path for sport and city development in Europe though the EPSI services of fundraising, business creation and lobbying.  ACES (European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation) and EPSI (European...

EPSI and UEFA: Driving Sports Innovation Together

This collaboration has opened new avenues for sports startups and organizations across Europe to foster innovation and enhance sustainability through new funding schemes. The European Platform for Sport Innovation takes the opportunity of Spain’s recent victory...

Olimpic values, the foundation of innovation

Dive into the heart of sports innovation this October, as EPSI gathers key players to discuss, connect, and transform the sporting world through shared vision and tech When thinking about the Olympic Games, the main aspects that come into mind might be performance,...