
Painfree The ProjectThe Erasmus+ Painfree project aims to raise awareness about back pain among the global population, affecting 1.71 billion people. It will promote healthy lifestyles, physical activity, and sports through events and training classes. The initiative...


spoki The ProjectThe SPort Orientation for Kids project aims to implement the sports orientation method, “SportKompas,” within primary schools across different European cities. It aims at increasing social inclusion and activating children aged 8-10 by...


ewws The ProjectThe European Week of Winter Sport (EWWS) project is an ambitious endeavor aimed at celebrating and promoting winter sports across Europe while championing sustainability. The project seeks to ignite enthusiasm for winter activities while fostering a...


esmis The ProjectThe Enhance Sustainable Measures In Sports Facilities (ESMIS) project is a collaborative effort aimed at fostering sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation within sports facilities across Europe. The project endeavours to address the pressing need...

Follow the Camino

EPSI MEMBERS Official Website Follow the Camino Founded in 2007, Follow the Camino has been a pioneer in organizing tours for the Camino de Santiago, also known as the Way of Saint James. They were the first-ever tour operator dedicated to this pilgrimage route and...