Healthy Employee, Mobile and Active

The Project

HEMA tackles the high level of physical inactivity in Europe. HEMA is supported and co-funded by the European Commission in the field of Erasmus + programme and European Week of Sport.

Project summary

HEMA is a three-year-programme intended to tackle the high level of physical inactivity in Europe. HEMA is supported and co-funded by the European Commission in the field of Erasmus+ programme and European Week of Sport.

The workplace is identified is a key area to leverage these following figures. The innovation methodology of HEMA is to associate physical activity to mobility schemes within the company. Several activities will be implemented in order to leverage levels of PA and mobility at work.

The concept of HEMA is to associate moments of practicing and grassroots sport to specific discussions and studies around ways of implementation of PA and mobility in EU workplaces.

General Objectives

  • Build a European initiative to leverage physical activity rates that are source of development and interest for all organisations involved in the consortium
  • EWoS and European Commission are a kind of guarantee and certification for your organisations that could help you to mobilize publics and partners
  • Strengthen networks, partnerships, cooperation in the field of sport and companies
  • Share good practices, experiences and expertise

    The Partnership


    Full List of Partners:

    • Sport Vlaanderen  – BELGIUM
    • City Council of Daugavpils – LATVIA
    • Club des Villes et Territoires Cyclables  – FRANCE
    • University of Coimbra – PORTUGAL
    • Eesti Spordisemts Kalev – ESTONIA
    • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Korinthia – GREECE
    • Tampereen Pyrinto – FINLAND

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