The EPSI network grew to 151 members in 29 countries!

Two major milestones have been reached – over 150 members and 29 countries!  In May and June EPSI welcomed eight new members. With your first members from Sweden and Cyprus now we are present in 29 countries in Europe. Here is more information about the...

The EPSI network grew to 151 members in 29 countries!

Two major milestones have been reached – over 150 members and 29 countries!  In May and June EPSI welcomed eight new members. With your first members from Sweden and Cyprus now we are present in 29 countries in Europe. Here is more information about the...

Open Air Sport logo is now official!

The consortium has decided: the Erasmus+ Project has an official logo, that will help us to promote our #BeActive message. The project consortium, composed by EPSI, ECOS, University of Constanta “Ovidius” and SportCamp Greece, has unanimously taken the...

E+ MCE Project Partners gathered in Milan for Final Project Meeting

Milan, 11/12/2023 – Last Saturday, 09/12 marked a significant milestone for the Erasmus+ Multiplier Community Experience (MCE) project as partners convened in Milan for the conclusive Transnational Project Meeting hosted by L’Orma at Palazzo Coni. The meeting, brought...