Two new Italian organisations join EPSI network

This month, new organisations are joining the European Platform for Sport Innovation. EPSI staff is glad to welcome two new members in the network: both of them come from Italy: Federazione Italiana Taekwondo and Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale...

August Update: two new EPSI members

This month, new organisations are joining the European Platform for Sport Innovation. EPSI staff is glad to welcome two new members in the network: Fispal Asd and HelloLille Sport. Fispal Asd To meet the growing request for support from the organizational structures...

12 November: Sports Innovation Day by INDESCAT

The EPSI Member organises in Barcelona a special event about the future of sport, linking startups with innovation and ideas with projects.[responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click...