Funding opportunities, exciting project ideas, and creative discussions during our brokerage tables

The second day of the EPSI Annual Conference started with a short opening speech by our executive directors Alberto Bichi and Rene Wijlens (you can watch it here). After that, the stage was taken by our strategic partner Massimo Rinaldi who presented to all EPSI members the LIFE+ program and the upcoming call that is about to open in 2023. He gave some concrete details and recommendations about the development of project concepts and answered some questions from the audience. 

Elena Razzano from ESA again had a presentation on the second day of the conference. This time the focus was on the already-opened call Space for Olympic Games which was announced yesterday. There was massive interest from EPSI members in a potential collaboration with ESA and she spend the whole afternoon answering questions and providing useful feedback. 

After that, there was a short presentation on the A4See project and six project idea pitches that were later transferred to our brokerage tables. In the final part of our program, we dedicated almost two hours to brokerage tables where EPSI members showed their interest to explore or join one of the eight project ideas that were presented. This was a great mixture of creativity, constructive dialogue, and collaboration.

The day concluded with a walking visited tour to Bergamo Alta and dinner afterward.