EPoSS Annual Forum

EPoSS Annual Forum EPSI and EPoSS, the European Platform on Smart Systems, are reinforcing their strategic collaboration. The EPoSS Annual Forum, which will take place at Imec in Leuven on 13 October 2015. It is a great opportunity to learn more about Smart Systems...


INCLUDING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AS PART OF THE EU URBAN AGENDA In the framework of the first EWoS and in order to include physical activity as part of the EU Urban Agenda, Sport and Citizenship organizes a public roundtable at the Committee of the Regions. Our objectives,...

IC Sports 2015: discount for EPSI members

IC Sports 2015: discount for EPSI members   The International Congress on Sport Sciences, Research and Technology Support – icSPORTS The 3rd edition of this congress will take place in Lisbon, between 15 and 17 of November, 2015. We would like to highlight the...

succesful particiation of EPSI in EPoSS brokerage event

Succesful particiation of EPSI in EPoSS brokerage event On June 26th EPSI participated in the EPoSS brokerage event on Internet of Things (IoT). This participation in one of the results of the strenghtening collaboration between the EPoSS and EPSI network and provides...

ISEA2016 Call for Abstracts

ISEA2016 Call for Abstracts Call for abstracts for ISEA2016 EPSI member TU Delft will be the host for the ISEA 2016. This 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association will take place in Delft from 11-14 July, 2016. The conference program...