New EPSI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2016-2021 online

New EPSI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2016-2021 online The new EPSI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2016-2021 was presented at the 5th European Sports Innovation Conference in Eindhoven. The agenda shows the major trends and challenges for the...

EPSI conference success

EPSI conference success   The 5th European Sports Innovation conference, organized by EPSI, cluster Sports&Technology and Flanders Bike Valley, was a huge success.  Delegates from 13 countries participated in this matchmaking innovation conference. The theme...

Top atmosphere at EPSI conference

Top atmosphere at EPSI conference   The first day of the 5th European Sports Innovation Conference, organized by EPSI, cluster Sports&Technology and Flanders Bike Valley was excellent. The unique combination of location, presentations and participants made it...

EPSI conference 2016 linked to EU presidency of Netherlands

EPSI conference 2016 linked to EU presidency of Netherlands The EPSI conference 2016 is now officially acknowledged as one of the associated events of the EU presidency of the Netherlands in the first half of 2016. Other News 25th-27th March: Inno4Sports Interreg...

2nd Sportsdata & performance Forum

2nd Sportsdata & performance Forum The 2nd annual Sportdata & Performance Forum will explore the theme of the application of Big Data to help the coaching staff across various sporting disciplines make smart decisions on tactics, player fitness, scouting,...