SPOBI App available on Apple and Google Store

The German EPSI member has launched a new App: we are glad to share with you their press release.[responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click again to stop)”] Professionalizing grassroots sports and...

EYVOL Project Survey is now online

In the framework of EYVOL, EPSI asks everybody to help us in developing a best practices guide on volunteering for social inclusion through sport. The European Platform for Sport Innovation is part of EYVOL Project, which aims to foster inclusive youth environments by...

Erasmus+ Sport Results: two projects for EPSI from 2020

The results of the recent Erasmus+ Sport Call have been published: two Projects with EPSI were selected: Open Air Sport and APPLE. [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click again to stop)”] Few...

International Panel in Amsterdam for SCORES Project

Two days in Amsterdam for EPSI and the project partners: consortium meeting the 3rd and International Panel the 4th October. [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click again to stop)”] Days full...