Dive into the heart of sports innovation this October, as EPSI gathers key players to discuss, connect, and transform the sporting world through shared vision and tech

When thinking about the Olympic Games, the main aspects that come into mind might be performance, hard work and sacrifice, which are without doubt something rather important. However, we can all agree that if we were to associate the Games with two words they would be: Values and Innovation.

As a matter of fact, the Internationa Olympic Commettee explains that values such as respect, friendship and excellence

Constitute the foundation on which the Olympic movement builds its activities to promote sport, culture and education with a view to building a better world

Olympics aren’t simply about sports and physical activity; they also embody the true essence of sport. Sport isn’t just about standing on the podium or achieving personal bests; it’s about how you live the experience, approach the race, celebrate victories, and handle defeats. It’s about how you treat your competitors and the judges, and most importantly, the mutual respect among all participants. Ultimately, the Olympics and sports in general are about more than just competition. They are about building character, fostering respect, and embracing the spirit of fair play, which are valuable lessons for life.

On the other hand, Innovation is what makes the Olympic Games so spectacular. As society progresses, it’s essential to keep pace with the myriad changes unfolding in every domain. Over the years, we must continuously adapt and respond to our evolving environment. By keeping up to date on every front, the IOC and all other parties involved, can gain enormous advantages. Innovation can be seen everywhere, for example in the technological advances that support both athletes allowing them to reach peaks in performance which would have been unimaginable years ago, but also the audience, which have an upgrade in their experience as spectators thanks to the new High-Tech systems such as high-definition streaming platforms, augmented reality and other interactive apps which allow fans to engage more deeply with the Games.

Where innovation and Olympic values intertwine

But how do you create something when it seems like everything has already been created? Where do you start and how can you get the right support for your project?  The questions are many, but the truth is quite simple: in a constantly changing environment, it is crucial for all parties in the sector to be willing to cooperate with each other. They must be able to connect to support one another and see if, by collaborating and combining ideas and projects, they can create something even better. The sports sector can grow only through a good network that links businesses seeking fundraising with stakeholders willing to support them. This network, with the ultimate aim of promoting innovation and improving the quality of sports and physical activity in Europe, achieves this by bringing together all types of sports entities eager to believe in and support each other. By creating this European Platform, a win-win situation is established where support is granted, and ideas and inspiration flow constantly.

The Olympic Values & Sport Innovation conference, From October 7 to October 10 in Olympia (Greece), will gather physically members of the European Platform for Sport Innovation network to discuss these subjects in more detail. Professionals from the sports business, legislators, and academics will convene at the 2024 edition of the EPSI Annual Conference to explore ways to improve cooperation, and innovation in the sports ecosystem through fundraising and business creation. Participants will investigate the newest trends, exchange best practices, and forge partnerships that will advance the sector. Come discuss and help influence the future of sports and physical activity in Europe by joining the EPSI Conference.

The event is organized by EPSI in collaboration with SportCamp and under the auspices of the International Olympic Academy.

For further information explore our agenda and get your ticket!