Next 8-9 November the city Turin (Italy) will host the event: two days in the name of sport, innovation and territory. EPSI collaborates with IMPACTO. [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click again to stop)”]

Next 8-9 November the city Turin (Italy) will host the event IMPACTO: two days in the name of sport, innovation and territory. Two days of confrontation and dialogue, aimed at promoting sport as a key-topic for the future of human capital and new technologies, as a boost for tourism and social innovation.

IMPACTO embeds two days of workshops and side-events focusing on sport, innovation and the local region. The two days will encourage participants to reflect with the aim being to re-think sport as a key factor in the future of human capital and new as well as being a catalyst for entrepreneurial projects and for tourism and social innovation in the region.

The Sport Innovation Hub (SIH) within the prestigious context of the Technology Festival is responsible for organi- sing the IMPACTO event, in collaboration with Turin Polyte- chnic, Turin Chamber of Commerce, University of Turin, European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI), as well as the Regional School Office and NEXTO association. IMPACTO will embrace eight macro-themes, which are related to the field of sports and are identified as pivotal in terms of innovation and city development.

The event will end in the exceptional setting of the OGR with a fascinating fashion show, technologies, which aims at highlighting the production chain of SMEs and centres of excellence that provide the sports sector with technology and innovation. Young students and athletes will be representing the research centres and companies operating in the sport industry by parading with their clothing, sports equipment and innovative technological products. 

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