Nova CHILD drives a network including companies, research and training institutes, with an innovative approach for the well-being of children.
The cluster gathers and coordinates a network of professionals from sectors, such as: child care, furniture, fashion (clothing – shoes), toys, food, hygiene, services … but also, universities, schools, research and technical centers, training institutes… who provide their skills and their expertise: marketing, human and social sciences (psychology …), design, technical (materials, electronics, IT, …), medical, etc…
Nova CHILD strives to put the end user at the heart of the business and thus, mobilize these skills to make this network a true transverse center of expertise dedicated to the child.
The mission of Nova CHILD is to contribute to the regional economic development and businesses by promoting collaborative approaches and partnerships to innovate for the well-being of the child. Nova CHILD offers three main services to bring answers for all organization acting around innovation for the well-being of children :
OBSERVATORY : Identify and decipher innovative trends in the child universe !
Nova CHILD, center of expertise, to better understand the world of the child, by creating and sharing knowledge on the changing needs and expectations of the family. To achieve this, it does a daily analysis of the latest innovations identified in the international market (products, retail, brands, …). It also connects companies with experts and leaders in order to exchange point of views and experiences.
LIVING LAB : Allows the access to the user (children, parents, grandparents, family, …) !
For tomorrow, children grow better, Nova CHILD offers an innovative tool. By a set of innovative listening solutions and custom made marketing studies, adapted to their specific needs, the members: big companies, SMEs and entrepreneurs, benefit analysis of public opinion, market expectations, and changes in lifestyles … as well as advices to manage and to optimize their innovation projects.
INNOVATION : Support in project’s innovation process !
Nova CHILD aims to develop and structure of technological innovation projects but also, projects of innovation of uses and services, for the well-being of the child and his or her family.
It provides a real support for companies, facilitating appropriate approaches to their needs: structuring of the project, facilitate the contact with experts or manufacturers, identifying the financial support, and manage the project engineering.
In 2011, “Pôle Enfant” became “Nova CHILD” which claims an European cluster status, as “expert of knowledge and skill” with an innovative approach, in favour of the 0-12 years old child.
Indeed, unique in Europe, owing to its expertise in several sectors (child care, furniture, fashion (clothing – shoes), toys, food, hygiene, services… ), it grows beyond the regional border, targeting an offer, for the European stakeholders : Companies, Research and Training Institutes, …
This commitment presents as:
• an expertise in the knowledge of Child and his environment
• the implementation of collaborative programs of innovation for the well-being of Child
• the decision to involve the users in the definition of innovative solutions, adapted to their specific needs (testing), creating his own living lab.
2012, Nova CHILD gets the Bronze Label of the European Cluster Excellence Club. it shows, also, the Nova CHILD involvement in European programs (e-Child), Kidsize program, in 2015.
49321 CEDEX 1
CS 22116
Rénald Lafarge
33 2 41 49 57 45
33 2 41 49 57 23
Network of professionals from sectors, such as: child care, furniture, fashion (clothing – shoes), toys, food, hygiene, services … but also schools, research and technical centers, training institutes
Legal Form
Non profit association – Association pour le pilotage des projets Recherche Entreprises du pôle enfant
Year of foundation
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