
EPSI MEMBERS Official Website Our membersAALBORG FOOTBALL CLUB OF 1885 Assosport CeRiSM – Universita di Verona Hungarian Sport- and Lifestyle Development Cluster Ltd. Asociacion IBV Sintef IDAN INDESCAT Kinetic Analysis Università Iuav di Venezia Nova CHILD Cluster...


Big4Sports The ProjectBIG4SPORTS aims at connecting funding sources with sports organisations to jointlydevelop innovative collaboration schemes in Good Governance for sport. Project summary Co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of ERASMUS+,...


Scores The ProjectSCORES focuses on dual careers of athletes, their employability and therefore on the topic “Promote education in and through sport with special focus on skillsdevelopment” Official Website Project summary The SCORES project (Developing SKILLS &...

Andorra Recerca Innovaciò

EPSI MEMBERS Official Website Our membersAALBORG FOOTBALL CLUB OF 1885 Assosport CeRiSM – Universita di Verona Hungarian Sport- and Lifestyle Development Cluster Ltd. Asociacion IBV Sintef IDAN INDESCAT Kinetic Analysis Università Iuav di Venezia Nova CHILD Cluster...

International Center Sports Mental Coaching

EPSI MEMBERS Official Website Our membersAssosport CeRiSM – Universita di Verona Hungarian Sport- and Lifestyle Development Cluster Ltd. Asociacion IBV Sintef IDAN INDESCAT Kinetic Analysis Università Iuav di Venezia Nova CHILD Cluster Sports & Technology TU...