EPSI and UEFA: Driving Sports Innovation Together

This collaboration has opened new avenues for sports startups and organizations across Europe to foster innovation and enhance sustainability through new funding schemes. The European Platform for Sport Innovation takes the opportunity of Spain’s recent victory...

Olimpic values, the foundation of innovation

Dive into the heart of sports innovation this October, as EPSI gathers key players to discuss, connect, and transform the sporting world through shared vision and tech When thinking about the Olympic Games, the main aspects that come into mind might be performance,...

82% of survey participants evaluated EPSi positively

sEPSI Member Survey Revealed good feedback and Opportunities for Growth On a continued mission to provide our Members with the best quality of services to help them achieve their organisation or structural goals, in this first half of 2024 EPSI conducted a member...

-30 DAYS to Greece at unmissable price

the early bird tickets for the Annual Conference expire on the 30th of june The European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI) is gearing up for its Annual Conference 2024. And less than 30 days remain to get the tickets at a reduced price. This year, celebrating the...

SPOKI, Empowering kids trough SportKompas method

SPOKI, short for SPort Orientation for Kids, is the new Erasmus+ project EPSI partners in that aims to get more kids involved in sports, by helping them understand which sports are best suited to them, using the sports orientation method SportKompas. The project...