Handball International Education Project

The Project

The Handball International Education Project aims to promote the development of handball coaches at European level as a tool to increase participation in sports, especially among young people.

Handball is followed by 20 million players around the world and is considered one of the most practiced team sports ever. In Europe, events such as the EHF Champions League annually reach peaks of 20 thousand spectators, on a par with the final stages of the World and European Championships. In Europe, however, nandball has an uneven following.

The project aims to research best practices in the training of coaches at European and National level both in handball and other sports, and to draw up a manual and an Online Course dedicated to coaches to increase their level. The project include an international training course for coaches in which to give a shared training at European level. Finally, local activities such as coaching courses will be implemented during the project, dedicated especially to the youths.

project summary

The project aims to address the following priorities:

1. Inclusion and diversity in all education, training, youth, and sport fields. The project aims to develop handball as it represents a suitable tool to promote the sport in children and young people.

2. Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity. The project aims at the creation of educational digital tools. An e-learning platform will be developed in which there will be modules for the training of coaches.

Furthermore, all the materials of the project will be uploaded to the platform (manual included); examples, and advice for coaches to help them plan and implement courses.

Project objectives

The main objectives of the project are:

1) Inclusion and diversity: HIEP project aims to develop handball as it represents a suitable tool to promote the sport in children and young people

2) The HIEP project aims at the creation of educational digital tools. An e-learning platform will be developed in which there will be modules for the training of coaches. Furthermore, all the materials of the project will be uploaded to the platform; with examples and advice for coaches to help them plan and implement courses. 

Specific Objectives:

  • To increase the practice of handball
  • To increase the popularity of handball
  • To increase the competence of the sport instructors

Project activities

Phase 1: Research 

Phase 1.1.: Research on specific literature

Phase 1.2.: Creation of local focus groups dedicated to external stakeholders

Phase 2: Development

In this phase, the manual and the e-learning platform of the project will be developed. Once the tools are developed will be sent to external stakeholders to receive their feedback.

Phase 3: Activities

The first activity will be an International Training course in which trainers, coaches, and teachers of physical education will participate. During the course they will be presented with the manual and the platform and training activities will be held. Local activities will then take place. These will last until the end of the project and will be divided into two groups: 

  1. Local workshops: Participants of the international course will organize local hybrid/blended training courses for other handball coaches focusing on the use of the platform and the manual.
  2. Local activities intended for the public, such as open days, activities in schools, and festivals. 


  • Federazione Italiana Giuoco Handball (IT) The Italian Handball Federation, founded on 1969 in Rome, is the organization that manages and organizes the sport and promotional activities of handball and beach handball in Italy.

    The constitution act of the Italian Handball Federation was drawn up on 20 December 1969: Mario Costantini was the President and Aurelio Chiappero the Secretary General. The FIGH joined CONI (Italian Olympic Committee) as an affiliated member on 1974, becoming official at the 57th National Board on 22 February 1979. Since 2017, the president of the Federation is Pasquale Loria.

    The recent numbers of Italian handball denote a substantial growth of the national movement in terms of fans and practitioners: 21k registered athletes, coaches and managers are involved in over 250 clubs active in the country.

    The most important national championships are the men’s Serie A Gold and the women’s Serie A1. The senior National Teams are constantly engaged in the World Championships Qualifiers and in the EHF EURO Qualifiers. The most important events of the Italian handball are broadcast live on Sky Sport and Eleven Sports.

    Italian Handball Federation rules also the discipline of beach handball, which was borne in Italy in 1990. In 2000, beach handball became an official European Handball Federation (EHF) sport and the first EHF Beach Handball European Championship was held that year in Gaeta, Italy.

  • L´ORMA SSD ARL (IT) ORMAinternational is the international Sector of L’ORMA, a non-profit educational agency that develops and delivers the best possible formative sport / expressive experiences since 2000, based on non-formal education aimed at personal and professional growth of children, parents, and teachers. An established non-profit organization present nationwide for 23 years. Every year, L’ORMA provides hundreds of educational activities, involving 400 teachers, 60 schools, and almost 6,000 children and families. The team also works with dozens of institutions, schools, and private companies providing them with educational services. Over the last 10 years, they have specialized in the designing, writing, and implementation of European projects, always focusing on topics, such as Sport, Education, and Social Entrepreneurship, and have developed and structured a system to work properly and effectively.
  • Master Group Sport S.r.l. (IT) –Uniqueness and exclusivity are the basis of Master Group Sport’s vision, which links the emotions of sport with expertise, in order to allow its own partners to live extraordinary experiences. Master Group Sport offers a large number of services to the companies, such as marketing projects conception and realization, major sporting events organization, testimonial research, PR and press office activities, consultancy and sponsorship contracts management activities, and corporate hospitality services; everything with a unique goal: to increase the brand equity of its own partners.
  • CJT SOLUTIONS P.C. (EL)CJT Solutions is a company that is active in the field of consulting services, ensuring the successful course of every business in the field of IT, internet services and social media, in combination with the communication, marketing, advertising and management services of European and National Funded Projects. The many years of experience of our Consultants aims at understanding and addressing the needs of our clients, and achieving the best – most efficient result. Our activities are:

    • Software system design, support and integration

    • Electronic systems management, data processing and registration

    • Public Relations and Communication

    • Marketing, human resource management and business advice

    • Full advertising services, advertising agencies, advertising design and media presentation

    • Organizing conferences and trade fairs, scientific conferences or cultural events

    • Teaching (presentations) in training seminars – Computer training services for staff

  • EUROPEAN PLATFORM FOR SPORTS AND INNOVATION (BE)EPSI is a non for profit membership-based organisation in Europe, based in Brussels that focuses on innovation in the areas of sport, physical activity, healthy lifestyle, vitality, environment and all related impacted sectors. EPSI strives for more innovation-friendly conditions for the EU sports ecosystem, in order to stimulate cross-sector innovation and to set up / develop businesses with a focus on the entire innovation spectrum.
  • OLYMPIACOS SFP (EL)OLYMPIACOS S.F.P. was founded on March 10, 1925. It is the largest multisport clubs in Greece and one of the biggest worldwide. Olympiacos S.F.P.is successfully active in football, basketball, volleyball, water polo, handball, track and field, swimming, sailing, rowing, canoeing and kayaking, ping pong, fencing, boxing, tae kwon do, kick boxing, capoeira with the divisions of beach volley and tennis. Olympiacos is the most popular Greek club with around four million fans inside Greece and millions of others in the Greek communities all over the world. Since April 2003, Olympiacos has more than 130,000 registered members and 70,000 registered fans on an annual basis.
  • UNIVERSITATEA OVIDIUS DIN CONSTANTA (RO)Ovidius University of Constanta is a multidisciplinary university with numerous curricula covering all three levels. Its goal is to be recognized as the regional leader in higher education and research, and to be the first option for students from the Black Sea region and beyond. The mission of the Ovidius University of Constanta is to create, maintain and disseminate knowledge at all levels of society through European standard education, research, and artistic creation.  One of the faculties of the university is the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. The Faculty is structured into a single Department: Physical Education, Sports, and Physiotherapy. The faculty prepares future physical education and sports teachers, trainers, sports instructors, or physiotherapists and ensures the physical education lessons from the curricula of all the faculties of Ovidius University.

Handball Festival – Rimini (Italy), July 2023. The HIEP project was officially promoted by FIGH, the Italian Federation of Handball Games, during the event. 

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