SIH is active in the areas of:

  • Strengthening collaboration with partners between businesses, academic environment and other organizations in the innovation ecosystem nationally and abroad to create critical mass and synergies needed for successful breakthrough in international environment.
  • Organizing regular meetings in vast areas and scopes of interest for the members.
  • Advising government on policy issues affecting the innovation activities of members.
  • Observing and reporting to the members about best practices with the innovative activities worldwide.
  • Reporting on existing and developing new instruments in support for the innovation.
  • Provide guidelines necessary for new development policies in Slovenia in particularly the ones directly related to the technological or non-technological innovation.
  • Initiates and implements projects and programs for developing specific areas of innovation and encouraging the use of the key enabling technologies for the industry of the future.
  • Communicating internationally and nationally on best innovation results of its members, on their networks and successful international collaboration.
    Slovenian Innovation Hub, European Economic Interest Grouping, SIH EEIG

    Večna pot 113m  1000 Ljubljana


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