Empowering Youth Volunteers through Sport in the Mediterranean Region
The Project
EYVOL project aims to foster inclusive youth environments by implementing innovative educational methods based on sport to train youth leaders and volunteers.
Project summary
EYVOL project is a transnational cooperation partnership that allows a group of stakeholders from youth, educational and sport backgrounds to collaborate in a project aimed to foster inclusive youth environments by implementing innovative educational methods based on sport to train youth leaders and volunteers.
The main purpose of this project is to provide young multipliers (youth leaders and civil society activists) and young people specialized in sport with concrete and action-oriented training tools to be used in youth empowering and capacity building activities based on sport volunteering for social inclusion, with special regard to refugee community focused on the Mediterranean Region.
General Objective
To promote voluntary activity in sport. the project will aim at developing youth skills through sport volunteerism for the purposes of future employability in sport and non-sport related activities.
The Partnership
Full List of Partners
- International Olympic Truce Centre;
- Save The Dream;
- Comite Olimpico de Portugal;
- Orama Neon – Youthorama;
- International Council for Coaching Excellence;
- Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano;
- European Platform for Sport Innovation;
- European Non-Governmental Sports Organizations;
- Universitat de les Illes Balears;
- Fundacion del Centenario del Sevilla FC;
- Fondazione garagErasmus;
- Universite Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne
- United Nation Alliance Of Civilizations.
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