First 2020 milestone: EPSI reaches 70 members!

Five new organizations in the network, with one new country – Poland – represented by our Innovate Sport Platform.[responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click again to stop)”] EPSI staff...

Final Output List for ESSA-sport Project

The European Platform for Sport Innovation has been Associated partner of this three-years Erasmus+ Project ended in 2019. [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click again to stop)”] Following the...

April enlargement: five new EPSI members

This month, new members are joining the European Platform for Sport Innovation network. EPSI staff is glad to welcome five new members in the network, that will give help us in strengthening our #InnovateSport approach. Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of...

SPOBI App available on Apple and Google Store

The German EPSI member has launched a new App: we are glad to share with you their press release.[responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Listen to the article (click again to stop)”] Professionalizing grassroots sports and...

European Week of Sport: towards HEMA Vital Companies Challenge

The European Platform for Sport Innovation and Kinetic Analysis develop the Vital Companies Challenge, action in the framework of Erasmus+ HEMA Project. In the framework of the European Week of Sport (EWoS) to be held during 23-30 September 2020,...