The event is part of the agenda for EPSI Annual Conference 2023

A major initiative is taking shape in the footwear sector, with the LIFE ‘Re-Shoes’ Launch Event to be held in the Azores Islands (Portugal) on Tuesday 6th of June 2023. EPSI, the European Platform for Sport Innovation, one of the project’s partners, organises the event during its Annual Conference in the Azores, involving important international stakeholders. The Re-Shoes project aims to provide an alternative, circular and sustainable solution for the end-of-life management of footwear and for the creation of second-hand shoes, thanks to introducing virtuous recycling practices.
LIFE Re-Shoes is an initiative headed by SCARPA, the leading Italian company in the production of mountain shoes and outdoor activities. The main objective of the project’s first event is to show innovative ways to reduce waste and maximise the use of resources through the recycling and creation of new footwear. All the organizations part of the project – SCARPA, Università di Bologna, SCIARADA INDUSTRIA CONCIARIA S.P.A, RUBBER CONVERSION, Rubbermac, Innovando and EPSI – will present concrete approaches and solutions to tackle this challenge.
Being a project with a value of 2.6 million euros, the LIFE Re-Shoes project is part of the LIFE program, where the European Union provides funds for environmental protection programs and measures against climate change, aimed in the period 2021-2027 to facilitate the transition of a circular, sustainable, and energy-efficient economy.
The event will be held both in-person and online, offering participants the opportunity to join the discussion and share ideas. During the event, participants will learn more about the environmental impact of footwear, and how the LIFE Re-Shoes project will contribute to solving the footwear industry waste problem.
The LIFE RE-SHOES project and its launch event represent a significant step towards a sustainable future for the footwear industry. The EU competent authorities (e.g. DG ENV, DG ENTR and EASME representatives) will be invited to participate, as well as journalists and local entities involved in sustainability or the fashion industry.
To attend, online or in presence, please register on the official registration form here
Event information:
Title: LIFE Re-Shoes Launch Event
Date: June 6th 2023
Time: 10:00 – 11:15 local time (12:00 – 13:15 CET)
Location: University of Azores – Ponta Delgada Campus (Rua da Mãe de Deus, 9500-321, Ponta Delgada, Portugal) Azores Islands, Portugal.
To attend remotely:
For more information on the LIFE Re-Shoes event and to register, please visit the event on EPSI LinkedIn Page and follow the Re-Shoes Project.
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