BST HIKES app and its project, co-funded by ESA, demonstrate the concrete application of space systems on sports

When we talk about “sport innovation”, we refer to what the future holds for organizations and entities involved in the sports as a whole. That’s why EPSI continues to explore the various applications and benefits space data and satellite systems can have in the sector, from enhancing athletes’ performance to supporting infrastructure management and advancing EPSI members’ products or services.

The “Space4Sports” webinar series, in collaboration with Eurisy, is an example of this commitment, as well as our ongoing partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA). These initiatives are just a glimpse of the opportunities that space data brings to sports, which can be further developed with a business plan. And the project “Satellite Navigation for Hike Trail Gamification (BST HIKES)” is a successful case of a concrete application of this system.

Rto Kick Off meeting

Data-Driven Decisions, Real-World Results

The application of space data in sports isn’t just a futuristic fantasy: it’s a powerful tool to be exploited. By supporting projects that utilize this data, EPSI aims to open doors to new ideas and approaches that can benefit athletes, coaches, and the entire sports sector.

A great example of this, is the recent project conceived by Reinis Krēgers, the founder of BST.COACH who are EPSI’s trusted partner since 2022.  BST.COACH won an ESA’s funding call for a proof-of-concept initiative with a project called “Satellite Navigation for Hike Trail Gamification”. This project consists in gamifying physical activity using satellite navigation through a digital app called BST HIKES, which engages participants in outdoor activities in the Czech Republic and other European countries. Users receive vouchers and a gamified trail experience while generating marketing benefits for partnering local businesses – such as shops, cafès, hotels or grocery stores.

From Project to Profit: Building Businesses with Space Data

But innovation goes beyond. That’s why EPSI is currently working closely with Reinis to translate the learnings from his project into a sustainable business model.

“Together with EPSI, we’re engrossed in developing a new business model to capitalize on this exciting proof-of-concept,” says Mr. Krēgers. “BST HIKES targets a European audience, and we’re hungry for growth. This is where EPSI’s Business Department is helping us. We are examining our organisational and product model to find a balance between social causes and financial sustainability. The immediate priority is crafting a compelling business model for presentation to investors in the coming months”.

BST HIKES is just one example of the exciting things happening at the intersection of space data and sports. EPSI members’s active commitment demonstrates the great value of this collaborative environment, which leads to improving sports innovation all over Europe.

Visit the ESA project’s website:

Explore the project web app here: