EPSI supports the Pact for Skills
The European Platform for Sport Innovation supports the Pact for Skills, one of the actions under the European Skills Agenda.
EPSI Webinar – Finland: discovering sport business opportunities
After the successful experiences with Irish and Italian organisations, EPSI makes three and organised a specific webinar for stakeholders in Finland.
Erasmus+ Sport 2020 results: 5 EPSI Projects declared eligible
Great result: five big collaborative partnerships will start next year with EPSI involvement: one as project coordinators and four as partners.
EPSI and Sphere Connect sign a long term strategic collaboration agreement
The two organisations are starting a new cooperation aimed at creating synergies for business and the collective promotion of their respective activities.
SmartSports4GoodLife: strategic plan Cluster Sports & Technology
One of the goals of the SmartSport4GoodLife (SS4GL) project is to update and improve each clusters’ strategy to adapt as much as possible the cluster stakeholders’ future needs. The adaptation will be based on both information from the cluster stakeholders themselves...
We grow up: three new EPSI members in October
EPSI increases in numbers. one members from Italy and one from Slovakia – the first one from this country – join the family: welcome to MGP Sports Consulting, Sport Innovation Hub and Slovak Sport Innovation Center.
Innovation hubs for Sport&Vitality at EU Regions Week
Sports & Vitality play a key role in the empowerment of citizens, even more so in the (post) coronavirus era: EPSI, Inno4Sports and ClusSport will talk about this topic in a special pitch session Wednesday 7 October (12.30-13.30 CET).
EPoSS and EPSI Annual Forum, two days of discussions about Smart Systems to #BeActive
On 30th September, the joint EPoSS-EPSI sessions analysed Smart Systems for Health, Active Living and Sport Applications. A special brokerage event took place in the afternoon.
Sport Funding Opportunities and #BeActive: that’s EPSI Italian Webinar
After the success of the Webinar for Irish Organizations, EPSI – in conjunction with the European Week of Sport, repeated the experience with Italian Organizations.
#BeActive European Week of Sport and EPSI: together for the sixth year
The Europea Platform for Sport Innovation celebrates its commitment in the European Commission annual initiative to promote a healthy lifestyle in Europe: let’s #BeActive!
SmartSport4GoodLife: INDESCAT Strategic Plan
INDESCAT strategic plan has been update to reflect the current situation we are facing with the COVID crisis and includes some issues that were relevant before but not as essential as nowadays.
Two Italian and one Dutch Organizations: three new members for EPSI
Three organisations – two from Italy and one from The Netherlands – join our #InnovateSport family with their expertises in different fields
EPSI Digital Agenda: three events during the European Week Of Sport
From 24th September to 1st October, EPSI will organise and manage a series of online events and webinars, aimed at create synergies and business at national and international level.
Alberto Bichi: “Let’s continue pushing for the relevance of sport in our society”
In a special statement, Executive Director Alberto Bichi underlines the efforts of the European Platform for Sport to promote sport in our Continent, in particular in this difficult period.
Smart Systems to #BeActive: EPSI-EPoSS Digital Conference
Next 29-30 September, EPSI and EPoSS are co-organising a special digital conference with a series of high-level pannellists. The second day will include a brokerage event.