New Initiative: EPSI Ambassador to promote Sport Innovation
EPSI launches a new initiative: not only strategic partners, but also ambassadors, who will promote and spread our #InnovateSport message all around Europe.
EPSI organises SPHERE Final Webinar next 26th March
The European Platform for Sport Innovation, in the framework of Erasmus+ SPHERE, is glad to invite you to the final online event presenting the results of the Project, taking place online next 26th March at 14.00 CET.
EPSI family enlarges again in February
Italy, Finland, France, Belgium: six members from these four countries join our #InnovateSport network this month.
SmartSports4GoodLife: 2nd Steering Committee e-Meeting
SmartSports4GoodLife (SS4GL) convened for the Second Steering Committee e-Meeting on Friday 29th of January 2021 from 10.30h (CET).
Kick-Off Meeting for Erasmus+ Project WISE
On Thursday 21st January 2021, at 2 pm, the consortium of the project Women’s Involvement in Steady Exercise (WISE) held an online kick-off meeting (KoM) to start the project.
New date for Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2021
Originally scheduled for the 8th February, the online event will take place next 23-24 March, as confirmed via Twitter by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel.
New year, new members: four organisations enter EPSI Network
2021 starts with four new organisations joining the European Platform for Sport Innovation.
Alberto Bichi: «Technology, a powerful way to promote Sport»
EPSI Executive Director Alberto Bichi in his final year statement analyses activities carried on by our network in 2020, with an eye towards next year opportunities for the sport and vitality ecosystem.
SmartSport4GoodLife: Strategic Plan of MSE Cluster Ltd
In order to achieve their goals, SmartSports4GoodLife partner MSE Cluster has joined international cooperation projects to learn from its partners and transfer the knowledge towards cluster members.
December: five new members join EPSI Network
Our #InnovateSport family keeps on growing with five new organizations, four from Italy and one from Spain
#BeActive Awards 2020 in a fully online event on 8 December
The #BeActive awards will be commemorated via a fully online event on 8 December 2020 from 16.00 to 17.30 CET (Central European Time). EPSI is partner of the European Week of Sport.
Position paper on the mainstreaming of sport in the Recovery mechanisms and Cohesion Policy funds
In the framework of the SHARE Initiative, EPSI signs the document including sport-related proposed amendments to be adopted in the legislative procedures for different EU Funds.
#SmartSports4GoodLife: special webinar on 5G scheduled next 24th November
The consortium of SmartSports4GoodLife is organising a Webinar on the advent of 5G in the realm of leisure and sports on Tuesday 24th November between 10.00h and 12.00h (CET).
November Update: two new members in EPSI Network
UK and Italy: from these countries, two organisations join the European Platform for Sport Innovation. Keep Fit Eat Fit Wellness Ltd and Travel Market Srl.
SmarSports4GoodLife: Cluster Montagne Strategic Plan
There will definitively be a before and an after of the year 2020! No doubt that when the five partners of the SmartSports4GoodLife (SS4GL) project set up the consortium, no one could have possibly imagined nor anticipated what an earthquake this year would be.