The entrance of important entities such as Instituto Portugues do Desporto e Juventude (Portugal) and City of Jyvaskyla (Finland) makes our network reach 100 members, an important milestone for our #InnovateSport network.

The entrance of important entities such as Instituto Portugues do Esporto (Portugal) and City of Jyvaskyla (Finland) makes our network reach 100 members, an important milestone for our #InnovateSport network.

Instituto Portugues do Desporto e Juventude

The IPDJ, I. P., has the mission of executing an integrated and decentralized policy for the areas of sport and youth, in close collaboration with public and private entities, namely with sports organizations, youth associations, students and local authorities.


City of Jyvaskyla

With the population of 143 000, City of Jyväskylä is the seventh largest city in Finland. The number of residents and businesses in Jyväskylä is increasing rapidly. Increase in the number of inhabitants is one of the highest among larger cities in Finland. Jyväskylä is not only a popular place to study, but also an attractive option for relocation and a supporting platform for bold ideas.