EPSI empowers sports businesses of all types with tailored support based on your sport entity’s needs.

The European sports ecosystem brims with opportunity, regardless of the type of sport organization – be it a sport club, university, association, NGO or budding startup. EPSI, the European Platform for Sport Innovation, is working more and more on business services designed specifically to empower members of its network. Not only: while EPSI members get a special price, even non-members can benefit from all these tailored services based on their specific business needs.


Craft a Winning Business Plan: Expert Guidance from Idea to Execution

EPSI’s consulting approach takes member’s vision and transforms it into a winning business plan. Sports entities are guided through crucial steps like market analysis, identifying and benchmarking competitors, and developing a user journey – ensuring their ideas have a strong foundation for success. The planning phase delves into logistics, crafting effective marketing strategies, and creating realistic financial projections. This equips EPSI members (and non-members) with a comprehensive roadmap to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead. This way, the business plan will be clear, concise, and investor-ready.


Financial Strength: Building a Sports Business on a Solid Foundation

Financial planning is the cornerstone of any successful venture. EPSI goes beyond basic financial guidance. Sports entities will be guided with an understanding of key financial formulas specifically tailored to startups in the sports market. This empowers them to create realistic projections and secure funding with confidence.

With EPSI’s support, sports businesses of all types have the potential to reach new heights. If you are an EPSI member, explore all our business services on our Members’ Only Zone platform under “Business Creation”. Or join the European Network and become an EPSI member to get the best price from EPSI’s business services.

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