sEPSI Member Survey Revealed good feedback and Opportunities for Growth

On a continued mission to provide our Members with the best quality of services to help them achieve their organisation or structural goals, in this first half of 2024 EPSI conducted a member satisfaction survey and the results are now in! With a 40% response rate (62 members out of 155 in the network), the survey provides valuable insights into how members perceive EPSI’s services and its network. The survey was structured in different sections which contained open questions, affirmative/negative questions and grade evaluation questions, from 1 (= Not satisfied/easy/useful at all) to 7 (= Very satisfied/easy/useful).

Positive overall feedback

Almost 82% of the respondents seemed satisfied with EPSI in general – which means that 82% of the participants gave 6 or 7 as an average score in response to the numerical rating system questions. Members said they are very likely or likely to recommend EPSI membership to others. This strong endorsement reflects the value members find in being part of the EPSI network.

How likely are you to recommend becoming an EPSI Member to other entities?
Responses: Very likely 59,7%, Likely 22,6%, Somewhat likely 11,3%, Maybe 6,5%.

Departmental Performance: Members rated EPSI departments (project management, communication, administration, Members’ only Zone) favourably, with an average satisfaction rating of “very much satisfied” at 40%.  

Network Strength: The survey also highlights the strength of the EPSI network. Over 75% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the network, with a significant portion rating it as “very much satisfied (37,1%) The strong network provides members with valuable connections and opportunities for collaboration. EPSI will always work to strengthen the relationships among members by encouraging all the entities to be actively part of this strong community. 

Positive Member Experiences: The survey yielded positive member comments, such as:

“Thank you for helping us to get projects and networks”

“Webinars are always very informative”

“EPSI’s Annual Conferences are always a great way to meet new interesting people”

“EPSI is a good networking organization”

Annual Conference: The main reason for attending the EPSI yearly main event is for networking opportunities (64,4%). On the contrary, people highlighted other generic or personal reasons for not attending (28,9%) and only 6,7% do not participate for cost reasons.

Areas for Improvement

The survey also identified areas for improvement. Some members requested a more streamlined communication style and a clearer understanding of funding cycles. Lack of time or relevance are often the main causes of not attending the EPSI webinars, even though 80,4% highlighted their educational and qualitative aspects. EPSI values this feedback and will utilize it to enhance its services and communication strategies. Improving our own standards is an ongoing journey that requires dedication and EPSI constructively welcomes critical thinking in order to offer ever better services. 


The EPSI member survey underscores the organization’s hard work in fostering innovation in European sports. The good satisfaction rate and positive member experiences make us happy and aware of the value of our services and network. By addressing areas for improvement, EPSI can further strengthen its offerings and solidify its position as a leading platform for sports innovation in Europe.