SPOKI, Empowering kids trough SportKompas method

SPOKI, short for SPort Orientation for Kids, is the new Erasmus+ project EPSI partners in that aims to get more kids involved in sports, by helping them understand which sports are best suited to them, using the sports orientation method SportKompas. The project...

epsi network: 37 new members joined the community in 2023

2023 is almost over, and it was a great year for the EPSI community. Our network grew and allowed us to work on many different projects co-founded by multiple European Union funding calls.  We had the pleasure of welcoming 37 new members, based in 21 different...

Interview with Christina Tsiligkiri, Member of the Year 2023

The EPSI Member of the Year is a prize that has the scope to recognize formally the great involvement in the EPSI community, as well as the great commitment and dedication on various projects related to sports innovation. Christina Tsiligkiri was awarded for the 2023...