The SESE project has started with a kick-off meeting in Drenthe.

Project partners are ready to promote sports excellence all over Europe’s regions. The first step is done: last week, on the 7th and the 8th of February, the Erasmus+ project named “SESE – Sharing European Sports Excellence” in which EPSI is partner, inaugurated...

Inno4Sports Final Conference next 14-15th June

Attend the INNO4SPORTS Final Event: next 14-15 June we will be in Alicante (Spain) to talk about sport ecosystem developments and trends. The Inno4Sport project partners are delighted to invite you to attend the Inno4Sport project final conference which will take...

MCE Transnational Project Meeting

Last 9th December, the international gathering of partners of Multisport Community Experience Project took place in Milan. This meeting was the first opportunity for all partners to meet in person, as the Kick-Off Meeting took place online due to Covid-19 restrictions...

OPS Transnational Project Meeting in Sulmona

Next 10-11 November, partners will gather in Italy and sign a general agreement to develop the joint organization of a common Open Air Sport running event in 2022. The Transnational Project Meeting aims at the signature of a general agreement under the OPEN-AIR SPORT...

Open Air Sport Transnational Project Meeting in Greece

After a long time, Open Air Sport partners are meeting again physically, precisely in Loutraki (Greece), for the meeting organised by Sportcamp Greece. After a long time due to travel restrictions and COVID-19 Pandemic, it has been a pleasure to travel again and meet...