With welcome new members from Italy, Spain, and Greece! In the first month of 2023, EPSI welcomes three new members. Here is more information about them: IGOID Research Group A research group from Spain dedicated to sports management, sports facilities, technology...
Another big event where SmartSport4GoodLife showcases companies in the sport industry! From the 30th of January to the 01st of February, the partners of the European project SmartSports4GoodLife, composed by the sports industry clusters INDESCAT, Cluster Sports &...
Accessibility and inclusion of everyone is the challenge of the tourism sector in the post-Covid Era. Not a “special tourism” but just normal tourism without exemptions. This was the topic of the 24th of January online workshop held by Senior Eco-Nect partners about...
With start 2023 with 136 members in 25 countries! In December EPSI welcomed the latest four new members for 2022. With them, we reach 136 members in 25 countries in Europe! Here is more information about them: Go ASD Go ASD has created ECross Kids – a training method...
Many people believe that ISPO Munich is the most important fair in the sport industry! Between the 27th and the 30th of November 2022 the partnership of the EU project SmartSport4GoodLife, one of the European Cluster Partnerships for Excellence co-funded by the COSME...