Erasmus+ Sport: deadline extended to 17th June

The European Commission announces the deadline extension for Erasmus Mundus, KA2 Sport Actions and Cooperation Partnerships submitted by European NGOs. Due to technical issues, the submission deadlines for the following actions managed by the European Education and...

10th May: LIFE Reskiboot launch event is taking place online

LIFE RESKIBOOT launch event: special webinar aimed at presenting the project, analysing the EU background for plastic and waste management and introducing the funding opportunities of the new LIFE programme for 2021-2027. The European Platform for Sport...

WISE Competition is over: our Gender Equality Project has got a logo

During last month, the consortium has been collecting designs and proposals by participants coming from all around the World: the winner is Arne Lawrence Sarmiento, who designed the best logo according to our jury. The moment has arrived: WISE project has now logo, a...

Milestone for EPSI: two new members enter the network

The entrance of important entities such as Instituto Portugues do Desporto e Juventude (Portugal) and City of Jyvaskyla (Finland) makes our network reach 100 members, an important milestone for our #InnovateSport network. The entrance of important entities such as...