The EU Commission launches #BeActive Awards 2021

The competition will be a central element of the European Week of Sport, European Commission’s initiative where EPSI is partner. The European Commission launches once again the #BeActive Awards competition, a central element of the 2021 European Week of Sport,...

8th-9th June 2021 the annual EU Sport Forum by the EU Commission

The annual EU Sport Forum will take place online next 8th-9th June through a special virtual platform established by the European Commission. EPSI will attend the event. The European Commission, Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, will...

Opportunity for Graphic Designers: logo contest for EASMH Project

In the framework of the Project “European Alliance for Sport and Mental Health, a contest for creating a logo for this project has been launched. EASMH is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme and it is aimed at promoting sport for mental health. Every project...

Over one hundred members for EPSI Network

Last month, the number of EPSI members reached 100: this month we break the ceiling, enlarging and expanding our network with new organisations coming from Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia and Spain. Last month, the number of EPSI members reached 100:...