International Sport Technology Matchmaking at Grand Depart

International match making event 2017 at grand Depart  EPSI and Enterprise Europe Network invites you to the SportTechMatch 2017, an international matchmaking event that will be organised on 30 June 2017 in the wake of the start of the Tour de France (‘Grand Départ’)...

Cluster project EU4Sports Alliance successful in China Mission

Cluster project EU4Sports Alliance successful in China Mission China is a sports market on the rise. In 2016, the turnover generated by the sports industry in the Asian giant exceeded 200,000 million euros. Considering this promising economic figures and within the...

Best wishes for 2017

Best wishes for 2017 EPSI and its members wish you all the best for 2017. EPSI will continue to stimulate collaboration and innovation in 2017 for a healthy active society. We hope you will all join us!! Other News 25th-27th March: Inno4Sports Interreg Event and KCS...

New EPSI member

New EPSI member EPSI is proud to welcome Faculty of Sport, University “Union – Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade as a new EPSI member. For more information see member info Other News 25th-27th March: Inno4Sports Interreg Event and KCS Welcome SportSuite and Sport Management!...

New EPSI orientation paper

New EPSI orientation paper New EPSI orientation paper on R&D priorities for intense physical activity practice in the context of longer healthy life years for all. The members of EPSI have identified a list of research and innovation priorities to be addressed...