New Initiative: EPSI Ambassador to promote Sport Innovation

EPSI launches a new initiative: not only strategic partners, but also ambassadors, who will promote and spread our #InnovateSport message all around Europe. Sport Innovation is the key: and the European Platform for Sport Innovation in first line to promote innovation...

EPSI organises SPHERE Final Webinar next 26th March

The European Platform for Sport Innovation, in the framework of Erasmus+ SPHERE, is glad to invite you to the final online event presenting the results of the Project, taking place online next 26th March at 14.00 CET. Erasmus+ SPHERE Project will end soon and EPSI...

EPSI family enlarges again in February

Italy, Finland, France, Belgium: six members from these four countries join our #InnovateSport network this month. Italy, Finland, France, Belgium: six members from these four countries join our #InnovateSport network this month: welcome to City of Pau, McLloyd,...

Kick-Off Meeting for Erasmus+ Project WISE

On Thursday 21st January 2021, at 2 pm, the consortium of the project Women’s Involvement in Steady Exercise (WISE) held an online kick-off meeting (KoM) to start the project and set the future actions for its proper implementation. WISE is a 30-month project...

New date for Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2021

Originally scheduled for the 8th February, the online event will take place next 23-24 March, as confirmed via Twitter by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel. Erasmus+ Sport Info Day: we have a date. As confirmed by European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, the annual appointment...