EPSI launches a new initiative: not only strategic partners, but also ambassadors, who will promote and spread our #InnovateSport message all around Europe. Sport Innovation is the key: and the European Platform for Sport Innovation in first line to promote innovation...
The European Platform for Sport Innovation, in the framework of Erasmus+ SPHERE, is glad to invite you to the final online event presenting the results of the Project, taking place online next 26th March at 14.00 CET. Erasmus+ SPHERE Project will end soon and EPSI...
Italy, Finland, France, Belgium: six members from these four countries join our #InnovateSport network this month. Italy, Finland, France, Belgium: six members from these four countries join our #InnovateSport network this month: welcome to City of Pau, McLloyd,...
On Thursday 21st January 2021, at 2 pm, the consortium of the project Women’s Involvement in Steady Exercise (WISE) held an online kick-off meeting (KoM) to start the project and set the future actions for its proper implementation. WISE is a 30-month project...
Originally scheduled for the 8th February, the online event will take place next 23-24 March, as confirmed via Twitter by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel. Erasmus+ Sport Info Day: we have a date. As confirmed by European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, the annual appointment...