EPSI is a non-profit European association (ASBL) based in Brussels, Belgium. We are a membership-based networking organisation, focused on innovation in sport and all the neighbouring sectors such as leisure, health, tourism and more. We strive for a more innovation-friendly environment to stimulate business development.


Sport is beneficial to both health and social relationships, but its economic significance is growing. A 2018 study shared the share of sport-related Gross Domestic Product within the EU is 2.12 % and amounts to € 279.7 bn. Furthermore, the share of sport-related employment amounts to 2.72 % of total EU employment, equivalent to 5,666,195 persons. Despite the economic and financial crisis between the two studies (data from 2005 and from 2012), the sport sector has continued to grow.

As a relatively new sector, sport is generally regarded as being an early adopter of new ideas and innovations. Sport can help specific business sectors to develop, depending on the characteristics of sport demand and supply in a specific country.

EPSI business model focuses on the quadruple Helix: business, academia, public authorities and end-consumers.




EPSI organization

EPSI Legal structure

EPSI is a non-profit association (ASBL) located in Brussels, Belgium.

Network of networks

EPSI is a networking organization. Its core is a network of national sports and innovation networks thus representing the ecosystem-sports-innovation partners throughout the EU.

Direct link to Sport Eco-System

EPSI is directly linked to the sports ecosystem needs. It is supported by several national sports federations, private and public institutions and European clusters.

Organization structure

EPSI is a membership organization with a president, general assembly and board. Day-to-day activities are lead by two executive directors.

  • Alberto Bichi
  • Rene Wijlens

EPSI Members

Members of EPSI are involved in the sports eco-system, universities and academia, Sport research institutes, health organisations, educational institutes, public authorities, municipalities, national and international sports federations and more.


  1. Innovation through exchange of knowledge
  2. Interconnection between European countries
  3. Inclusivity and accessibility
  4. Empowerment
  5. Sustainability

OUR Vision

Leading sport innovation for greater societal and economic impact

OUR Mission

EPSI’s mission is to strive for innovation-friendly conditions for the EU sports ecosystem and its neighbouring sectors, articulate and co-ordinate programmes of research and innovation, help its members to develop technological and other forms of innovation, combining top-down and bottom-up approaches, secure the required financial support, create and scale up sports businesses across the entire innovation spectrum and thus contribute to the general growth of the European economy.