Brokerage Events

ActivitiesGranted Projects Past Projects Programmes and Platforms Conferences Match-Making Events Brokerage Events Past Brokerage EventsEPoSS-EPSI Brokerage Event 2020 Sport Project Lab 2020 EPSI 2016 brokerage event EPSI 2015 Brokerage event Brokerage events One of...

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#BeActive European Week of Sport

#BeActive: European Week of Sport EPSI IS PARTNER OF THE EUROPEAN WEEK OF SPORT EPSI is partner of the European Commission since the first edition of the Week. Launched in 2015, the #BeActive European Week of Sport was created in response to the worsening inactivity...

EPSI Update – May 2024

Result of EPSI members satisfaction survey After our Members Satisfaction Survey, carried out at the beginning of the year, we would like to share with you the outstanding results. The survey was taken by the 40% of EPSI Members, and we want to thank everyone who...