Change The Game is the first italian association of volunteers against emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and violence in sports.

It was founded by Daniela Simonetti, a journalist and essayist inspired by Paola Pendino, a magistrate of the Milan Tribunal, and Alessandra Marzari, president of the Vero Volley Consortium.

Established in 2018 and duly registered with the National Single Register of the Third Sector, the Association provides legal assistance both in ordinary justice and in sports justice.

It also offers therapeutic support to all victims of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse within the sports context.

The Change The Game Association, presided over by Daniela Simonetti, includes Paola Puglisi, a lawyer, Alice Fimiani, an athlete, Edoardo Verzotti, the 2004 world rowing champion, and Fabrizia Marrone, a softball champion who participated in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. 

Hub Terre des Hommes Italia – Via Appennini, 50, 20127 Milano (MI)



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