UISP, Sportcamp and Helbling Technik enter in our family, bringing their experience in EPSI family.
The beginning of August brings three new organisations in our Platform: we are talking about UISP – Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (Italy), Sportcamp (Greece) and Helbling Technik Wil GA (Switzerland).
EPSI welcomes the new members in our family: their expertise will represent sure an added value for our entire network.
UISP (Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti) is a an social and sport association, aimed at promoting and guarantee the right to sport for all citizens. It has strong roots in local and national communities.
Read more at www.uisp.it
The mission of Sportcamp is the promotion of team spirit, fair play, learning through experience, entertainment and healthy living through contact with nature.
Read more at www.sportcampgroup.gr
Their service portfolio covers a wide range of standardized project phases which they implement either individually or in mile-stone-driven packages.
Read more at www.helbling.ch